Let Your Career Take Flight
Expedite the track to your future as a professional pilot
- Earn your pilot's license in as little as 30 days
- Become a Commercial Pilot in as little as 8 months
- SEVIS approval to accept foreign students
- FAA Part 141 Flight Academy
- Specialized course options to fit your unique journey
- Located in Ocean City, MD, just 2 hours from Baltimore, Washington, Norfolk and Philadelphia
Learn to Fly at Ocean Aviation Flight Academy
Ocean Aviation Flight Academy is your best choice for professional flight training.
Our Accelerated ProPilot Course is a zero hour to commercial pilot program that prepares students for a career as a Professional Airline Pilot. Start with zero hours and complete in as little as eight months with your commercial pilots license in hand.
With our career placement assistance, you can be assured of a bright future just ahead.
We also offer our Private Pilot Course, Instrument Rating Course and Flight Instructor Courses for those seeking to fly for business or recreation.
No matter which program you chose, you can be assured that your flight training will be conducted in a friendly professional environment.
Flight Courses
The FAA Private Pilot Certificate is a certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration, which allows a person to legally operate an aircraft with passengers and baggage. Your Private Pilot License is the most important rating you will earn. It is the basis upon which all your flight experience and advanced flight training will be built.
Private Pilot Course
The FAA Instrument Rating allows a pilot to legally operate an aircraft in instrument meteorological conditions or IFR flight. More importantly, it allows a pilot to operate within the IFR system that professional pilots prefer. The instrument rating is essential for pilots seeking a career in aviation.
Instrument Rating (IR) Course
The Cessna Pilot Center commercial pilot course is available at Ocean Aviation Flight Academy. As an FAA Approved Flight Academy, we can slice sixty hours off your training. Ocean Aviation has been approved by the FAA to complete your training in 190 hours. This saves you time and dollars when you choose Ocean Aviation Flight Academy.
Commercial Pilot Course
Our Airline Pilot Professional Pilot Program is a full-time, start to finish career track program. You enroll with zero flight time experience and in less than a year, you are a Commercial Pilot and Flight Instructor with your first job already lined up and ready to earn revenue as you build flight hours. Upon graduation, you are a commercial pilot with a flight instructor rating and employed as an Ocean Aviation Flight Academy Certified Flight Instructor!
Airline Pilot Professional Pilot Program
The flight instructor certificate, for most commercial pilots, is the beginning of life as a commercial pilot. Earning your flight instructor's certificate will give you that opportunity and to build hours while being gainfully employed as a pilot.
Flight Instructor Course
In a finish-up program, each student arrives with different needs and challenges. Our experience with finish-up programs will allow us to review your skills in the most efficient way possible to focus on what challenges you may be experiencing and then focus on those challenges so that you can complete your course.
Finish Up Programs

Redbird FMX Full Motion Flight Simulator
Ocean Aviation Flight Academy is very happy to introduce our brand-new Redbird FMX full-motion flight simulator to our students as well as the Delmarva pilot community. Whether you are a professional aviator seeking to remain current or a new flight student, the Redbird FMX is an Advanced Flight Training Device that will allow students to experience flight scenarios in a very real environment that we cannot reproduce as efficiently in the aircraft. It is by definition, the very best in-flight simulator.